
About the designer

Mike began experimenting with lighting in his early teens, swapping out ceiling fixtures in his childhood home, which sparked a fascination with light and shadow. His passion for craft and design led to the VCU Arts program for Interior Design. Midway through, Mike stepped away from design, and pursued a 25 year career in science. In his spare time, he continued to practice art, design, and woodworking.

In 2016, Mike returned to his roots and completed a Masters in Design. His thesis work explored how interior design could provoke mindfulness. He created movable partitions to adjust privacy and light levels - which required user input - a proven way to inspire mindfulness. Additionally, Mike installed raw wood surfaces, based on studies which described the mentally restorative powers of nature and natural surfaces.

Springing from these ideas, and following a year of concept realization, Mike Scribner Designs was launched in the fall of 2020 bringing the aspects of woodcraft, natural surfaces, light, and shadow together in the Wedge Lamp, Paper Lantern, and Split Light.









The Flourish Collective, Richmond, VA

Crossroads Art Center, Richmond, VA

Black Dog Salvage, Roanoke, VA

09/2021 International Society of Furniture Designers, Highpoint, NC - Professional lighting category winner

01/2021 Crossroads Art Center, Richmond, VA - Open Call 3rd place, wood category

12/2020 Uptown Gallery, Richmond, VA, Open Call Honorable mention

Mike Scribner Designs LLC, Richmond, VA 08/2020-present

Katheryn Robertson LTD, Richmond, VA 06/2018-08/2018

Fareva/Pfizer, Richmond, VA 1991-2016

MFA Design (Interior Environments), VCU (Richmond, VA) 2018

BS Medical Technology, VCU (Richmond, VA) 1990

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